How to use cold water to lose weight without drinking. Can you spare 15 seconds ... or at most 3-4 minutes? If you can, I'll show you how you can burn fat for hours and hours and hours. hot water for weight loss 

Cold water for weight loss1. RinseOk, this is how it goes. Take a regular shower you usually do. At the end of it, turn the water as cold as possible and rinse over your head and the rest of your body for 20 seconds.Simple ... Yes, you can take a couple of times to get used to it, though. Cold water can give us more of a shock. I will tell you this. Sometimes, when the rinse water swept over me, I can barely breathe. Cold water is literally takes my breath away from me. Lose Weight Cold
 But it is really worth it because once you're done with the cold rinse water 20 seconds, you're body will thermogenesis ... fat burning for hours. So 20 seconds of minor discomfort is worth it for me. 

If you are stronger than me, so take your shower all in cold water. Brrrr!2. Treading cold waterIt is easier for most people, but it takes a few minutes.Take your normal shower. This time, once completed, connect the bath and let the cold water tap until it is about 3 inches high in the tub. At this point, turn off the water and walk up in cold water for 3 minutes.This also induced thermogenesis in the body for hours. Your body is programmed to remain at a safe internal temperature. When something like water "round" cold ideal reacts ... in this case with thermogenesis (fat burning by heat). Lose Weight Cold 

Thus you can use cold water to lose weight ... without even drinking.If you're sick and tired of the same old boring weight loss advice ... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then ...

hot water for weight lossLose Weight Cold

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