Fulvic acid supplement has been in use for many years. The first use was probably among farmers who used them to treat various diseases and medical conditions among their livestock. They were particularly useful in the treatment of mastitis in cows, respiratory infections in dogs and other diseases in pigs and poultry. Over time, it was realised that the acids also had benefits in humans.

The acid is essentially a derivative of humic substances. Humic substances are widely distributed all over the world on both land and sea. They comprise plant and animal waste that has been decomposed by millions of microbes. In order to optimize their benefits, the active ingredients have to be extracted. This should be done under controlled conditions so as to maintain the bioavailability.

The uses of the supplements continue to increase by the day. They have been established to be quite effective in the treatment of viral infections especially those believed to cause upper respiratory tract infections. Their main mechanism of action is that they inhibit the attachment and entry of viruses into normal cells and thus interfere with their replication. Consequently the viral population falls over time and the signs and symptoms of the infection subside.

Fulvic acids are protective against radioactive damage. The acids have a high affinity for radioactive substances such as plutonium and uranium. They combine with them to from metallic complexes that can be absorbed easily and eliminated from the body. If this is not done, the substances may cause widespread DNA damage. The also help chelate other metals deposits that have accumulated in the body and thus facilitate their elimination.

They are effective antioxidants. They scavenge free radicals such as hydroxyl, superoxide and hydrogen oxide. These radicals are known causes of oxidative stress that could potentially damage the DNA. When paired with the acids, they become non-reactive and can be safely removed from the body. It is through a similar mechanism that toxins such as herbicides and pesticides are removed from the body by these supplements.

There is a significant effect on acid-base balance in the body. The acids maintain a pH that is neither too alkaline nor too acidic. An excessively acidic pH causes low oxygen concentration in the blood. This state is associated with an increase in the growth and fermentation of fungal organisms. A higher pH, leads to higher oxygen concentration and is less likely to cause microbial growth.

Another important benefit is a reduction of surface tension between cells. Whenever this happens, the absorption of nutrients is greatly improved. There is also better cellular respiration, hydration and elimination of waste minerals. Another factor that contributes to these benefits is the ability of the acids to maintain electrochemical balance.

The quality of the source is one of the most important things to consider if one wishes to benefit from most of the benefits of fulvic acid supplement. The source must be raw, free of irradiation and unpolluted. A properly selected source will result in a product that has a high bioavailability. Studies show that freshwater is the best source.

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