Your heart rate is one of your best, measurable indicators of overall fitness. When you exercise, your heart pushes oxygen-rich blood from your lungs to your muscles (which burn the oxygen like a car burns fuel) and back again. The harder you exercise, the more fuel your muscles demand, and the harder your heart beats. To maximize the benefits of exercise, it is critical to tailor the intensity to what your body is capable of, and your heart rate is your gauge for modifying the intensity level for maximum benefit. As you become more fit, your heart pumps more blood with each beat, your muscles get more fuel, and your heart becomes more efficient, beating at a slower rate. A heart rate monitor allows you to track your heart beat and see whether it's staying at the same level, or decreasing as your training progresses.

The most accurate heart rate monitors use a chest strap which fits snugly around your chest just below the breast. The transmitter detects the electrical activity of your heart just like an ECG. It relays this to a display, usually worn like a wristwatch, although some use earphones instead, or transmit to apps via Bluetooth. It is important for the strap to maintain contact or you get wild readings.

A "best" heart rate monitors provide nearly an internet worth of information. They often come with PC-compatible software to coach you through analyzing your workouts and building a program to reach specific fitness goals. They also often come with GPS tracking sensors or accelerometer foot pods to monitor speed, distance, and elevation. While the average outdoor enthusiast may be overwhelmed by the functionality of the best heart rate monitors, these are the tools Olympic athletes and world-class skiers use.

A "basic" heart rate monitors indicate your "continuous heart rate", allow you to program your own training zone at varying "percentages of maximum heart rate", time your exercise, and provide a summary indicating average and maximum heart rate during the exercise. This means every heart rate monitor sold by Eastern Mountain Sports allows you to tune your workout to an appropriate intensity. In their off time, heart rate monitors are cool sport watches too!

Consider the ease of use when making your choice. Most monitors come with a watch and chest strap. That makes it very easy to monitor your stats during your workout. However, there are a few that don't require a chest strap, instead detecting your pulse by placing one or two fingers on sensor buttons. These cannot give you a constant reading of your pulse and are not as accurate as the chest strap models. In addition, it can be difficult to stop your workout, put your fingers on the sensors, wait for a reading, and then resume the workout.

Once you have chosen which features you want, it comes down to price. Sales are common and you can find a wide variation in the price of the same model. Shop around and you may be pleased to find your dream monitor for much less than suggested retail price.

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