Depending how much research you have done, you may already be aware that in order to force progress from your body you need to be very consistent in your efforts in the gym. But hitting the gym is the easy part and today we shall show you the bits which the majority of people overlook.
The most ridiculous aspect of the health and fitness industry is the amount of conflicting advice out there. Particularly online, which is a virtual mix and match bag of completely different theories. This leads to so many people becoming incredibly lost with their fitness that they just have no clue where to start. In order to get consistent results it's a good idea to get the basics down first.
There are three questions we are asked in the gym more than any others when it comes to building size and strength. They are as follows...
* How many reps is best for a strength and size goal?
* What foods are best for this type of program?
* Do you need to train every day or not?
You should be hitting the hypertrophy zone with your rep range. Each set should be carefully aimed at a maximum of twelve reps, this ensures you land in the perfect zone for growth. So stop with the endless sets of twenty five with light weights. If you are trying to build you don't necessarily have to work harder, just smarter.
If you have already been achieving the right reps you should also try incorporating proven building techniques like super sets and drop sets.
A big problem with many fitness enthusiasts is diet. Do you really know what you should be eating? For most people the answer is no. Don't worry though, the basics are covered below.
The majority of us presume that diets are for girls, of course, and we don't need to watch what we eat if we are trying to get bigger. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, unless you're striving for a power lifter type physique you should be paying attention to your food.
You do not need to watch every single calorie, of course, but having a rough idea of what to eat is an advantage. The 3-5-2 concept has proven most effective and will keep you on the right track. Try to split your calories between 30% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 20% fat. That simple idea is the basis of a solid building diet.
Rest is the final part we want to go over today. Once you begin enjoying your training and seeing results you will find it hard to resist the urge to train whenever and wherever possible. The main problem with this is you can hold yourself back slightly by not allowing your muscles the time to recuperate. Days off are not just useful, they are recommended.
Should you be stuck at a plateau and unable to figure out how to build muscle on a more consistent basis you are now armed with the key facts on making you dream come true. Years of science support each of the three steps given today, so you can hit the gym with confidence! How Much Water Should I Drink To Lose Weight ?
For more information on how to lose weight properly, visit my Channel today.
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