If you need to lose weight, you're not alone. The industry of weight loss is a billion dollars, with celebrities, doctors and lay people while capitalizing on our weight loss goals. It seems like every day a new mode is introduced with the promise of helping people lose weight quickly, dropping six sizes in six weeks, or to ensure washboard abs in just minutes a day. The truth is that there are only ten rules of fat loss. (Another great source of advice is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots.)

  Plan a realistic weight loss

Many people fail in fat loss and set unrealistic goals. This can lead to frustration, which almost inevitably leads to failure. Instead of saying "I want to lose 30 pounds," break your goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) objectives - such as "I'll take the stairs rather than the elevator at work" and " will walk for 20 minutes every day. "

To find a healthy weight for yourself, use a BMI calculator BMI or a table to determine what your weight should be. BMI indicates body mass index, and you can find online BMI calculators. Better yet, ask your health care professional and seek their expert advice on the health of your weight and body fat percentage should be. Usually only healthy to lose anywhere from half a pound of one to two pounds per week on average until you reach your goal, there is no such thing as a loss of Rapid weight.

Exercise Portion Control

Although it seems simple enough, eating the right amount of food is the key to fat loss. Check the portion size of all foods you eat, you might be surprised to learn the actual quantities of food. It is a good idea to use a kitchen scale to ensure that the serving size is the same as the recommended portion.

Be sure to choose healthy foods

Do not just eat the right amount of food, but eating the right foods. For example, the protein make you feel full longer, while simple sugars, both provide empty calories, but can actually make you hungrier. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats are all excellent choices for a healthy diet. Learn which foods are healthier and store your cabinets with them.
Do not drink empty calories

It is easy to forget that many drinks are full of empty calories and sugar, but drinks are high in calories wreak havoc on your diet. Try to stick with drinks low in calories and fat as water. Whole milk and even most juices can be high in calories with little benefit gained - and many soft drinks and coffee drinks are even worse. Drinking water is the best, and if you stay hydrated, you will not feel so hungry. We often confuse thirst and hunger.

Learn to read food labels

Before buying food, read labels carefully. It is possible that items are labeled as "fat free" are very high in calories, or items listed as "low calorie" are rich in fat. Make sure you know exactly what you are buying.

Exercise more

Easier said than done, but even twenty minutes of exercise will help you lose fat. Cardio exercise, exercises that increase the heart rate, such as running or cycling are a good place to start. It is important to train the hand, because building muscle and lean body mass helps burn calories more efficiently. The benefits of doing more exercise are endless, in addition to losing fat, helps you sleep better, feel less stressed, and feel less hungry.

Get enough sleep

Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep each night. Those who sleep less have shown that much harder to lose weight.

Research Support Facilities

Do not try to lose weight in a vacuum if you attend a weight loss group formally or ask for help from friends or family, make sure you have a team of people you can turn to your fat loss problem. The most important thing is to ensure that the people support - do not let anyone convince you to order the cheesecake or get your daily walk of 20 minutes.

Be gentle with yourself

We all make mistakes, and when it comes to losing weight, mistakes can be plentiful. Do not give up because he fell once, twice or ten times. Remember your ultimate goal, then continue with your weight loss plan.

Do not give up

The most important rule of all is that you can only succeed if you keep trying. Weight loss and fat loss are long-term goals - each day brings more opportunities to make healthy choices. Read success stories of weight loss to keep you motivated. You can do it!

                                                                                      10 Rules of Fat Loss: Learn how to lose weight

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