Every pregnant woman know that you will gain weight. Unless you wear multiple, most experts want women earn about 25-35 pounds. If you are overweight, experts want to gain 25-30 pounds, 35-40 pounds weight. Most of this money will be earned in the second and third quarters.Many women worry about weight gain during pregnancy and I want to know how to make perfect 25-35 pounds. You can keep your weight under control, the advice you will find an excellent fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide.
Here's how to control weight gain during pregnancy:
  •     Watch your intake of calories. Experts recommend eating only about 2.300 to 2.400 calories per day, which is not a huge increase over what you eat before pregnancy.

    Drink plenty of water. It is part of a healthy diet means getting enough fluids. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water or fluids balanced day. Healthy liquids include juice and milk. The water will help curb your appetite if you have trouble just the right amount of calories. In addition, water helps to eliminate waste, aids digestion, helps regulate body temperature and provides fluid to the blood and tissues increased needs of amniotic fluid.

    how to control weight gain during pregnancyControl what you eat. Here are the daily recommendations of what to eat.

    6-11 servings of grains
    6-8 glasses of liquids, including water, juice, tea, etc.
    4-6 servings of milk and dairy products
    3-5 servings of vegetables
    3-4 servings of meat and protein
    2-4 servings of fruits
    •     And do not forget your prenatal vitamins. This will help your increased need for iron, calcium and folic acid.

    Do not eat fast food. While fast food (like a milkshake) are fine as an occasional treat, you should never eat fast food on a regular basis. Most fast food is high in calories and has little nutritional value.

    Reduce your intake of sugar. This means a reduction of the sweets from your diet. One way to avoid weight gain during pregnancy progresses frozen yogurt or ice cream mix in frozen fruit instead of sugary syrups. Try cutting sweets and chocolate, but the occasional treat is okay.

    Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Place cut fruit in the refrigerator for a quick snack. Bring your vegetables if you get hungry when you work or shopping. During cooking, put in as many vehicles as possible. Add a salad meal at lunch or dinner. Not only will you and your baby is healthy, but they should reduce problems with constipation, a common problem in late pregnancy.

    Put white wheat. Buy whole wheat bread instead of white bread. This will help you control your weight and increase your fiber intake. Search high fiber breads on the label.

    These tips should begin with pregnancy. With exercise and a balanced approach must remain within 25-35 pounds of this trademark.

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