The Sylvester Stallone abs workout represents a real back-to-basics attack on the midsection. Today you'll learn how to perform this entire routine in your local gym or even at home. However, going back to basics doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a walk in the park.

While exercise routines are often over complicated with current fads and trends, one aspect of Stallone's training routine which stands out is that everything is kept simple. Each move featured in the routine is a basic, proven bodybuilding exercise which has been used for decades.

Part 1: Crunches.

Three sets of 15 reps. This is a classic exercise for the upper abs, allowing you to zone in on the area in question by eliminating the involvement of all muscles in the surrounding area. Be sure to perform this move slowly and controlled, don't make the common error of blasting through crunches really quickly.

Move 2: Side Crunches.

Aim for 2 x 30 on each side. Side crunches concentrate on developing the muscles which run down the side of the six pack, which are called the obliques. This move is excellent for bringing out the definition in these small muscles.

Part 3: Full Knee Raises.

2 sets of 10 reps. This is a tough move because it's one of those exercises which most people perform incorrectly. You need to focus on bringing the knees up beyond a 90 degree angle, something which many people neglect. This ensures that the strain is placed on the lower torso rather than the hip flexor muscles.

Exercise 4: Broomstick Twists.

Perform three sets of 10 reps. This is another exercise which manages to place immense pressure on the oblique muscles which populate the area surrounding the main six pack. by focusing on squeezing these as you perform each rep, you will enable fabulous definition with a relatively light weight.

Exercise 5: Ab Wheel Roll-Outs.

Perform a single set of 30 reps. A move which will really test your core strength, the abdominal wheel has been a favorite in bodybuilding gyms for decades already. By forcing you to roll as far forward as you can without losing your balance, you'll feel every single muscle in your midsection developing in real time during this set.

A routine which has stood the test of time, the Sylvester Stallone abs workout is something which presents a very difficult challenge even for those with reasonable core strength. Be sure to scale down the workload if you need to, working your way up to the full routine as you feel ready to do so.

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