Congratulations on deciding to begin working out and taking your health seriously! As you begin your new journey towards health, be sure to take into account interval training. You may be wanting to lose pounds quickly or you may just want to increase your level of fitness overall. Either way, interval training is the path to success.

Interval training is not only going to show benefits right from the day you start doing it, but also over the long term it can really prove to be one of the most effective exercises that you do. Let's take a quick look at what you should know about the advantages of including interval training in your workout program.

As far as benefits in the short term, high intensity interval training has a lot to offer. In the beginning, you will enjoy an increase in your metabolism. In fact, right after you finish an interval cardio training session, you will have an increased metabolic rate for up to thirty eight hours.

What this means for you is that if you can manage three high intensity interval training workouts each week, you can keep your metabolism boosted for the entire week. If one of your goals for working out is to lose fat, you can significantly increase your chances for success, because having a higher metabolism is one of the biggest predictors of how much fat you are able to lose.

But there is another short term benefit to high intensity interval training: you will save time. With regular steady state cardio workouts, you will generally spend around 40-45 minutes per session. But with interval training, you only need to set aside about twenty to twenty-five minutes per session. You will be spending less time in the gym-and that is definitely a benefit!

High intensity interval training is one of the best ways to make the best use of the time spent working out. By incorporating interval training, you can jumpstart your journey to fitness and health.

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