We all know how things get started concerning information, and that certainly applies to health and fitness facts and myths. You hear about a tip for boosting your fitness goals at the gym and maybe don't hear the whole thing and go off and tell someone else, this is how myths are born. Maybe they even didn't hear it right. But they innocently tell something they know, and another myth is born, again.

Have you ever heard that swimming is a great way to lose weight? So here we are, telling you this is not the truth. Although there are many benefits to swimming, losing pounds doesn't even make the list. The reason for this is because as you are swimming the water is doing the work to support your body weight (called buoyancy) which basically means you aren't getting the workout you think you are or that you might if you were running or jogging long distances.

Have you ever heard that swimming is a great way to lose weight? We are here to burst that bubble, it's not the truth. Although there are many benefits to swimming, losing pounds doesn't even make the list. The simple reason for that has to do with the buoyancy of water. When you swim, the water supports your weight, and that means you will not be working as hard as you would be if you were jogging or running long distance.

It is possible to burn a huge amount of calories without ever breaking a sweat. Walking can accomplish this for you.

People sometimes complain that their bodies cannot get used to exercising at some particular time of day or that they are too tired at the end of the day. If you know what your natural circadian cycle is you would be able to reset it. For your workouts to feel natural you have to allow your body some time to adjust. The point is that once you break through your resistance and exercise after work, your body will have more energy to actually do it. If you're totally new to working out, it is especially important to sort out the truth about health and fitness from the falsehoods. This is important because you are still forming your fitness habits. Forming bad habits now mean a difficult re-education later when you try to form the right habits. Whether you continue your fitness program and your future success depend on forming good habits.

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